Hardwood Floor Sanding Services

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Hardwood Floor Sanding Services

Hardwood Floor Sanding Services


Every time we price a new job, commercial or residential, the main questions asked are how much dust and do we have to move out while the job is being done? Most people are not up to date with the latest innovations and technologies available within the floor sanding industry and the floor refinishing products. Things are much better than they used to be and nowadays a floor sanding project can be completed in a matter of hours instead of days as before and with very little disruption. Like everything else, the floor sanding industry is always improving and innovating.


Dustless Floor Sanding | Is it really dustless?


Would you call 98% dustless, dustless? Most people would. 100% dustless is not really possible yet but it will get there. Compared to what floor sanding used to be 30 years back, we can truly say that the new types of floor sanding machines are dustless. 30 years ago most floor sanding machines were just sanding away without collecting any of the dust generated. The problems with such systems never ended.


  1. Health Issues For The Machine Operatives  | Even if the wood does not contain a lot of harmful agents, breathing that fine dust cannot be good for the property owner or the machine user. Constantly breathing super fine dust particles can cause serious lung issues to develop over time. The dustless floor sanding technology has dramatically reduced such issues.

  2. Improved Air Quality | The same fine dust can go all over the property even if the floor sanding specialist has done everything he could to isolate the area. The dust could be harmful for the house occupants. Again, with a dust collection of over 98%, the dustless floor sanding trade has reduced the risk dramatically.

  3. Less Cleaning | If you ask any person that had their floors done a few years back, they will tell you the most annoying thing was the dust that seemed to never go and appeared from everywhere. Because the machines were generating so much dust, this dust was hiding everywhere. You could find dust under the skirting, the top of the furniture, between the floor gaps, on the walls and so on. By hiring a professional dustless floor sanding company you will have no cleaning to do after the project is completed. How great is that?

  4. Faster Results | Imagine a powerful floor sander generating tons of dust all over the place. The floor sanding specialist had to stop every few minutes to ventilate or vacuum. Such frequent stops were guaranteed to increase the job duration dramatically. A new dustless floor sanding machine that is fitted with a special dust filtration system is taking in all the dust and blowing out clean air. Outstanding.

  5. No Need For Plastic Sheeting | Imagine how long it takes to cover all the photos, lights, sockets, windows, beds, furniture, etc. It takes forever. No need for all that preparation any longer. Because the new dustless floor sanding machines are so great at filtering the dust, all these time consuming preparation jobs are no longer necessary. 

  6. Happy Customers | Imagine telling your customer that your machine does not collect any dust and after the project is completed it could take a few weeks of cleaning to get rid of all the dust. You would be unlikely to win that project. Now imagine that you can guarantee your customer that the place will be left as found, no cleaning required and super speedy results. You are likely to get the job.


If all of the above benefits of the dustless floor sanding technology have not convinced you to book us to sand and restore your floors, then wait until you find out more about our amazing water based floor lacquers, our amazing wood stains, gap fillers, hardwax oils, wood floor repairs, floor painting, stairs sanding & others.


Hardwood Floor Sanding Services


As we mentioned above, the floor sanding industry is in a perpetual movement. Things are getting better, cheaper and easier to use. The same principle applies to the hardwood floor finishes. The new range of sealers and maintainers don’t even compare with the old ones. Products that do not generate any fumes, products that do not take forever to dry, products that can`t yellow, products that do not glaze but instead penetrate the wood and products that maintain the natural look of the wood. In other words, better quality products and low environmental impact.


Water Based Floor Lacquers


There are many types of wood floor finishes out there for all types of average, expensive and exotic wood fibers. But the lacquer is still one of the most widely used and most loved type of wood floor finish. Most professional floor sanding companies recommend floor lacquer as the main product for sealing commercial and residential wood floors and wood stairs. The floor lacquer is straightforward to use, it looks amazing and it provides years of uninterrupted protection. Also, the new water based floor lacquers used by the professional floor sanding trade are eco-friendly, have low environmental impact and maintain the natural aspect of the wood. 


  1. Low VOC Content | Remember how the old oil based floor lacquers used to generate so much odours and fumes? That’s all gone. While most of the water based floor lacquers are likely to release some VOC, the level of the VOC is dramatically less. In most cases, the property owners where the lacquer is used do not have to move out of the property. The low VOC content means a safer environment for the tradesman, the property owners and the environment.

  2. Responsibly Made | The old solvent or oil based floor lacquers were manufactured from oil based raw materials. The process of manufacturing was generating pollution, the process of applying it was generating pollution and the process of sanding was generating pollution. All these issues were pretty much erased by the invention of the water based floor lacquer. 

  3. Quick Drying Time | The drying periods were one of the most annoying issues of the old solvent based floor lacquers. The lacquer used to take up to 24 hours to dry between the coats. Applying 3 coats of floor lacquer used to be a 3 day experience, a time when the property owner had to move out and not be able to use the property. The new water based floor lacquers have solved that issue. Most professional water based floor lacquers are likely to dry in less than two hours and 3 coats of floor lacquer can be successfully applied in one day. These drying periods have speeded up the whole project and have reduced the costs for the contractors and the property owners dramatically. 

  4. UV Resistance | Another great and amazing improvement brought on by the water based floor lacquers is its UV resistance. Being UV resistant means that the floor lacquer is unlikely to become very yellow when the surface is exposed to direct sunlight. Because most water based floor lacquers do not contain any solvent, the UV light will not affect it. 

  5. Easy Refreshing & Easy Maintenance | A newly lacquered wood floor is likely to look amazing when done but it could wear off over time due to intense use and other factors. That is not a problem for the new water based floor lacquers because there are so many refreshers and floor polishes compatible with most water based floor lacquers. 1-2 coats of the refresher and the floor will look as new and it will be ready for another 12 months of traffic. Also, the wood floor maintenance and cleaning industry has also progressed. There are many types of specific wood floor cleaners that any lacquered wood floor owner will be spoilt for options. There are low PH wood floor cleaners, high PH floor cleaners and wood floor maintainers. All very affordable and highly concentrated.

  6. Easy Application | There is no way to apply water based floor lacquers wrong. Unlike the solvent based floor lacquers, the water based floor lacquers are very forgiving and will self level. This has made DIY applications fun. 


Below we will explain the difference between low traffic, medium traffic and very high traffic water based floor lacquers. We will also explain the difference between high solid floor lacquers and low solid floor lacquers. We will detail the whole process so you can be fully informed when you hire the services of a professional floor sanding specialist.


Hardwood Floor Sanding Services


If you have contacted 3 floor sanding companies and asked about a free estimate, you probably know by now that there can be very high price variations between the contractors. For a 20 sq meters floor to be fully restored by a local floor sanding company you could be quoted 500 euro, 700 euro or up to 900 euro by some contractors. While in some cases the contractor could be aiming to make a quick profit, in most cases there is a good reason behind it. The main reason is the type of floor sanding technology used and the type of floor lacquer used. A 5 L drum of floor lacquer can cost anywhere between 25 euro to 250 euro depending on its solid content and if the lacquer is sold with a hardener. The solid content is the level of acrylic content contained by that lacquer. More solid content, better resistance to scratches and traffic. 


  1. Low Solid Content Floor Lacquers | A low solid content floor lacquer is a great product for some particular jobs. If you are lacquering doors, furniture, wall panels, benches, toys, etc, then there is no need to use a floor lacquer that is designed to protect industrial floors. A low solid content floor lacquer is ideal for all those projects that are re-done often and do not take intense traffic. The problems with low solid content floor lacquers start appearing when your local floor sanding company uses it to seal your high traffic hall or living room. Is just not made to take all that traffic. 

  2. Medium Solid Content Floor Lacquers | These lacquers are actually the most popular types of floor lacquers. An average medium solid floor lacquer will have between 15% to 30%. This type of lacquer is very durable and it will take all the heavy duty residential traffic and some light commercial traffic as well. The medium solid content floor lacquers are not suitable for heavy duty commercial or industrial use but besides that, it will work on pretty much any other type of floor, regardless of traffic.

  3. High Solid Content Floor Lacquers | Within this group of floor lacquers you will find all the heavy duty residential ones, all the commercial ones and all the industrial suitable floor lacquers. These floor lacquers can take intense footfall, harsh floor cleaners, will not scratch easily and will not really be affected by high heels or black marks. Not all high solid content floor lacquers are two packs (sold with a hardener) and in fact some of the most heavy duty floor lacquers ever are single pack. A high traffic floor lacquer with high solid content looks 100% like the low solid content floor lacquer so there is where the issues start when the floor sanding contractor hired does not use the right type of floor lacquer….


So a logical question would be, why make low solid content floor lacquers when such great high traffic floor lacquers are available? Well, there are a number of reasons, but the main one is the pricing. Assuming that you have 40 sq meters of floor to be lacquered with a cheaper lacquer, lets say 25 euro per 5L, it will cost you 75 euro to apply 3 coats of it. If you are looking for a top quality high solid and high traffic floor lacquer, it can cost you 750 euro for the same surface. Most people do not have that kind of money to pay for such expensive lacquers and in most cases they will settle for something in the middle.  Then there is the matter of not needing such a high traffic floor lacquer. If you are lacquering a standard bedroom with little or no traffic, any lacquer will do fine. So wasting hundreds of euros to lacquer a floor with little use using the most expensive floor lacquer is a waste of money. 


The only issue with the high traffic floor lacquers looking 100% the same as the cheap floor lacquers is the fact that some people that will pay for the premium lacquers will end up having their floors sealed with a cheaper one. Not the other way around. 


Hardwood Floor Sanding Services


Preparing for floor sanding services is an essential thing before you even start planning ahead. Most people are not aware what type of floor they own, what type of finish they want and if the wood floor is actually wood. In our opinion, you should contact your local floor sanding contractor and have your floors assessed. Your idea could only be an idea and impossible to do. A professional floor sanding contractor can advise you for free and at least you will know what can or can’t be done with your floors. 


  1. Carpeted Floors | There is a new trend now where many people will lift their carpets and restore the original floorboards that are under the carpet. In theory, there should be no issues but in practice there are always issues. Most pre 1980s houses had woodworms or central heating systems installed. Because the wood floors were hiding under the carpets, the plumbers were not careful enough to preserve the original floorboards. Some floorboards were chopped in pieces, others were damaged so badly that they were replaced with plywood or mdf. The wood worms that used to eat all that fancy wood away 50 years back might be dead by now, but in some cases the damage caused to the floorboards is too serious to be ignored. By lifting up a bit of a carpet in a corner you will never know if the whole floor is actually made from real wood so we recommend our customers to fully remove the carpet and then call Dublin Floor Sanding to assess their floors. Otherwise you could end up in a situation where the project is booked, the tradesmen are on the site and the floor is not sandable.

  2. Semi Solid Or Engineered Wood Floors | There is a myth out there that semi solid or engineered wood floors cannot be sanded. That is not the case at all. Laminate floors cannot be sanded but engineered wood floors are actually made from real wood. A semi solid wood floor or engineered wood floor is made from a base plank and a sheet of wood glued to the plank. Some semi solid wood floors that are on the cheaper side, might only have 2-3 mm of real wood while the most expensive ones could have up to 1.5 cm of real wood. The first job is to make sure that your floor is actually semi solid or engineered wood floor. Then the next job is to make sure that the floor was not sanded too many times before. Semi solid and engineered hardwood floors can only be sanded a limited amount of times. The very thin semi solid or engineered wood floors can only be sanded once or maybe twice while the thick engineered wood floors can be sanded a good few times.

  3. Is Your Wood Floor Real Wood? | There are a number of laminate floors and also Amtico floors that imitates wood to perfection. So before booking a project online and wasting the contractor’s time, make sure to be certain that your wooden floors are actually wooden floors. 

  4. The Furniture | Most people get so excited about the new floors that they forget about the furniture. The furniture removal is the property owner’s job. A floor sanding contractor might be happy to help you move a bit of furniture around but he will not carry all your beds and sofas around. So make sure to inform the contractor that there is a good amount of furniture around and maybe a solution can be found together. Do not just assume that the floor sanding specialist will deal with your furniture. Some floor sanding companies are actually charging a flat fee per hour to move the furniture. 

  5. Plan Ahead And Do Not Be in The Contractors Way | After the logistics of the job were agreed, you should not hang around the place. The contractors are using heavy duty floor sanding technology that can be very dangerous. Organize your pets as well. You cannot walk on the floors while the floor is being sanded and you cannot chat with the contractor while there is a lot of aggressive sanding going on. 


Hardwood Floor Sanding Services


Assuming that the rate for the project was fully agreed between the property owner and the floor sanding contractor, the job can move along. From this point on the process is straightforward and noticeable results will be visible within minutes. 


  1. Sanding | Depending on the condition of your floor and the type of floor finish that was used to seal it, the contractor will start sanding your floors from a rough grit sanding paper up to a fine finish. Most floor sanding contractors will start with 40 grit, move to 60, move to 80 then move to 100 grit before the first finishes will be applied. In some cases, the contractor can decide to start with 26 grit sanding paper and go up to 120 grit but no smoother than that because the floor will be too smooth to absorb wood finishes. The floor sanding contractor can choose to go through all those grits or he might skip a few and move from 40 to 80 grit. The idea is to remove the old finishes, scratches, imperfections & lippage and try to remove as little as possible from the base wood.

  2. Repairing | After the heavy duty floor sanding is done, the contractor can really see all the imperfections and all the issues that have to be resolved. This is a good time to replace whatever floorboards have to be replaced and to fix the moving boards into their fixed places.

  3. Gap Filling | The gap filling between the floorboards can be done after the repairs are fully done. One more fine sanding with 120 grit sanding paper will be done and that fine dust will be mixed with a special acrylic or solvent gap filler to create a semi wet cream that will be used to fill up the gaps. Filling the gaps is essential for floorboards with no base or for houses with no insulation. The gap can also be filled to prevent dirt from depositing inside the gaps or for aesthetic reasons. 

  4. Staining | After the gap filling job was completed and the floor was re-sanded, vacuumed and prepared for the final refinishing process, the contractor can prepare for staining. Staining the wood is a very important operation and the customer has to be consulted at every step to make sure that the colour matches their expectations. A wood stain is a wood colour that is applied to the wood before varnishing. There are hundreds of types of wood stains from many suppliers. The colour range is also wide and there are water based wood stains and solvent based wood stains. The stain itself is not a protector but only a colour. There will be 2-3 coats of floor lacquer applied over the wood stain. The wood stain can only be applied to the bare wood.

  5. Lacquering | The final step on the road to fully refinish your hardwood floors is the lacquering. The lacquer is the one that gets all the traffic and it protects the wood from water damage, chemical burns and deep scratches. The floor lacquer has to be applied in a 3 coats system. It can be done in a two coats system over a primer or three coats of floor lacquer without a primer. The floor lacquer should take around 1-2 hours to dry between the coats and the floor can be used on the same day.

  6. Oiling | Some people still prefer the natural look of the floor oils so instead of having their floors sealed with a single pack or two pack floor lacquer, they will go for a floor oil. There are a number of floor oils available, some natural, some hardwax oil, some sold with a hardener, some coloured, some will create the look of the lacquer while others will maintain the wood 100% natural. The main advantage of the floor oil is that it can be refreshed in areas without having to recoat the whole floor. The only main issue with the floor oils is the constant refreshments needed. All oiled floors have to be refreshed at least once per year to prevent water damage and permanent damages.


The process listed above is not always done in full or in that order. Some hardwood floors are getting sanded and varnished without any gap filling or staining, others are getting gap filled but not stained while others are getting the whole process. There are many other finishes compatible with hardwood floors but not as popular as the ones listed above.


Hardwood Floor Sanding Services


Agree prices before even starting the job. Agree all details before giving the go ahead to your floor sanding contractor. Agree step by step the logistics of the job, who hires the skip if a skip is needed, what is included and what is not included, the estimated duration time and the type of finishes required. A sample of wood stain and some lacquer options should be presented to the customer before the final coats are done. Dealing with all those small details will save the property owner and the floor sanding contractor a lot of hassle after the job is completed.


A floor sanding project is a home improvement project and not an emergency project. So the finances should be in place before the job commences. All floor sanding contractors will expect full payment upon completion. All the materials, the equipment and the staff needed to complete a floor sanding project cost a lot of money.


Hardwood Floor Sanding Services


Up to this point we have explained to you in detail what type of finishes will be used, what is the best way of preparing for a floor sanding project, how to organize samples, the full logistics and the step by step process. From now on we will detail what Dublin Floor Sanding can do for you and how we have become one of the most popular floor sanding companies in Ireland. 


Dustless Floor Sanding was established in 2008. During the recession times, our company has invested in top class floor sanding equipment and we have started to contract floor sanding and full floor renovation projects. Since then we have completed many thousands of floor sanding projects and our company developed to become one of the most highly recommended, most sought after and most respected floor sanding companies within the floor sanding market. This did not happen because we were lucky, but it happened because we have invested heavily in innovative floor sanding technology, some of the best floor finishes and of course, proper staff. Our company has increased dramatically and over the past few years we have developed, changed, improved and perfected our skills to be able to deal with some of the most challenging floor sanding projects ever. We can fully restore any type of hardwood floors to any specifications. So if you are looking for a professional floor sanding company to deal with all your floor refinishing needs, regardless what type or what size, call Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin today and deal with a team of professionals. 


Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin | Our Pricing


Rarely we can find a customer that is fully aware of what floor they own and what type of floor finish they want. In most cases we have to assess the floor itself, recommend the best and the most cost effective solution and then provide the pricing. Some people are shocked by the high price while others are amazed about how affordable we are. How come? Well, if someone has used a cheap DIY floor sanding system or if they have hired a friend to restore their floors, they will have this idea that it will cost very cheap. But those people that have used a very expensive contractor before or if they had their job messed up by a cowboy, they will really appreciate our prices and the approach in general. 


  1. Step 1 | You will have to approach us somehow. Some people will find us online, others through word of mouth or they will read about us in some magazines. 

  2. We will book you in for a free assessment within 24 hours. Our team is flexible and we are happy to adapt to our customers requirements when pricing projects

  3. One of our reps will drop by, assess the floor, show you some samples of work completed and in some cases we will do a small patch work on your own floors

  4. We will provide you with detailed pricing and a step by step plan. All our prices include VAT and all the materials needed to complete your project.


Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin | Accepting The Estimate


If the price provided looks attractive and if you have checked out our company and you are fully satisfied that Dustless Floor Sanding is the right company for you, then you just need to respond to our original pricing email and confirm that you are happy to proceed. If you have a date in mind, please email it to us and we will do all we can to fit you in within your preferred dates. At some times of the year we might require up to two weeks notice. 


Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin | Our Finishes


Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin is well known for using some of the most advanced and the most high traffic finishes ever. We do not cut corners when it comes to our customers. Below, we will write a bit more information about our floor finishes:


Wood Stains | There is a huge difference between cheap DIY shop wood stains and the best professional wood stains used by Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin. Better the quality of the wood stain, more realistic the final finish, quicker drying times and easier to apply. Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin uses top quality wood stains from Chimiver, Tover and Bona. We can match pretty much any colour and we can create unique colours by mixing up wood stains. All stains used by our professional floor sanding company are 100% oil based, deep penetrating and can be overcoated with a two pack water based floor lacquer. 


Chimiver Super White Wood Stain | Chimiver Old Walnut Wood Stain | Chimiver Classic Walnut Wood Stain | Chimiver Teak Wood Stain | Chimiver Larch Wood Stain | Chimiver Chestnut Wood Stain | Chimiver Cherry Wood Stain | Chimiver Grey Wood Stain | Chimiver Dove Grey Wood Stain | Chimiver Titanium Grey Wood Stain | Chimiver Stone Wood Stain | Chimiver White Wood Stain | Chimiver Vanilla Wood Stain | Chimiver Havana Wood Stain | Chimiver Fume Wood Stain | Chimiver Wenge Wood Stain | Chimiver Black Wood Stain


Tover Cherry Wood Stain | Tover Teak Wood Stain | Tover Mahogany Wood Stain | Tover Teak Wood Stain | Tover Antique Walnut Wood Stain | Tover Dark Walnut Wood Stain | Tover Wenge  Wood Stain | Tover Black Ebony Wood Stain | Tover Neutral Wood Stain | Tover White Wood Stain | Tover Arctic Wood Stain | Tover Smoke Wood Stain | Tover Whiskey Wood Stain | Tover Pearl Wood Stain | Tover Rose Wood Stain | Tover Rose Grey Wood Stain | Tover Light Grey Wood Stain | Tover Grey Wood Stain | Tover Stone Wood Stain | Tover Tobacco Wood Stain | Tover Fume Wood Stain | Tover Capuccino Wood Stain | Tover Honey Wood Stain | Tover Lilla Wood Stain | Tover Green Wood Stain | Tover Moss Wood Stain | Tover Blue Capri Wood Stain | Tover Night Blue Wood Stain |


Bona Craft Oil Light Grey Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Sand Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Frost Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Umbra Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Neutral Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Neutral Light Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Old Grey Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Ash Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Graphite Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Clay Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Snow Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Misty Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Grey Night Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Dark Gray Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Dark Brown Wood Stain | Bona Craft Oil Dark Night Wood Stain


All of the above wood stains are available to all our customers. Some of the wood stains are suitable for matching old and new types of floors, some are suitable for darkening some types of bright woods, others are suitable for brightening some other types of wood types while others are very fashionable and used to create more modern or contemporary finishes on old and dated types of wood floors.


Our Gap Fillers | The gaps between the floorboards were left there on purpose. In some cases the wood floor that is exposed now was not intended to be the main floor but instead a base for another floor so the gaps were left there for ventilation. In other cases the floors have moved and extended or retracted over a prolonged period of time and now the floor has gaps that accumulate dirt. In other cases the floor has chipped away for some reason and aesthetically it does not look right. Whatever the reason behind your floorboards gaps, we can definitely fill it up with our amazing gap fillers. A gap filler is a water based or a solvent based component that will be mixed up with fine wood dust generated from the sanding of your floor and then the composition used to fill up the gaps between the floorboards. The gap filler will dry nicely and after a quick re-sanding of the whole area, the surface will look spectacular while all the gaps will be fully filled. Dustless Floor Sanding uses some of the most flexible and most durable gap fillers.


  1. Chimiver Polifilm 10 Solvent Based Gap Filler | One of the most flexible and the most durable professional gap fillers from Chimiver. The product will fully dry within 30 minutes and it will dry the same colour as the floorboard itself. It can be used for filling up gaps between all types of commercial and residential floorboards and parquet floors. 

  2. Chimiver Ecofill Tech Gap Filler | A professional quality water based gap filler suitable for filling up all types of gaps on parquet floors. The product dries faster than other gap fillers, it looks 100% natural, it is fume free and it fully dries within 2 hours. The new Chimiver Ecofill Tech Gap Filler is highly appreciated by the professional floor sanding industry.

  3. Bona Mix & Fill Plus | Probably the world’s most popular gap filler. It has a thick composition and it can easily fill up cracks and gaps between the floorboards. The product is water based, fume free and suitable for professional and DIY use. It fully dries in less than 2 hours and it can be stained, oiled and varnished without any problems.

  4. Tover Legga Stucco Gap Filler | Tover`s most popular solvent based gap filler. This particular product dries very fast, it is very easy to apply, it releases lower fumes than similar products from other brands and it absorbs floor finishes hassle free. 


Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin will assess your particular job and we will decide what gap filler is the best for your needs. Each brand and type of gap filler has its own unique advantages and its own disadvantages. But our floor sanding specialists will know what product to use to make sure that the gaps stay filled for as many years as possible.


Our Primers | The primer’s main job is to fill up all the pores of the wood and make sure that the floor lacquer is not absorbed and deposited at the bottom of the floor, to create a perfect smooth surface, to create a unique colour or to speed up the drying process. A primed floor will be smoother, it will absorb less lacquer and it will dry faster. Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin uses a number of floor primers from Chimiver and Tover. Some of our wood primers main jobs is to create a unique colour (white ash), to level up imperfections and to reduce absorption. Depending on the type of wood that we plan to seal, we will pick the most suitable wood floor primer.


  1. Chimiver EcoWhite Floor Primer | Our most highly recommended and most widely used type of floor primer. This amazing waterborne white floor primer is the ideal product for sealing and transforming yellow or dark coloured wood floors into white or whitish. The amazing Chimiver EcoWhite Floor Primer is compatible with all types of floors and it dries in a matter of minutes. It can be overcoat with any single or two pack floor lacquer from Chimiver or any other brand. 

  2. Chimiver Ecorapid Wood Floor Primer | 100% water based wood floor primer that will create a clear finish without yellowing the wood. The product is compatible with all types of wood floors and it can be overcoated with any single pack or two pack floor lacquer. Chimiver Ecorapid Wood Floor Primer is fume free, quick drying, non yellowing, as green as it gets and suitable for commercial and residential use.

  3. Tover Fondo Isolante Wood Floor Primer | A professional quality solvent based wood floor primer that will penetrate the wood in full and it will create that rich peachy finish. The product dries in a matter of minutes and it can be used to seal and enhance pretty much all types of wood surfaces. It reduces the amounts of coatings needed to create a smooth finish and it increases the job speed. 


What type of floor primer are we likely to use on your own floors? Well, we will see. It depends on a number of factors like the type of wood, the finish expected, the condition of the wood and the level of traffic. Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin will assess your project and based on the information provided by the customer, we will select the best floor primer.


Our Floor Lacquers | The type of floor lacquer used to seal your floors is the most important thing. This is the main reason why you have selected Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin. Our company uses only the finest of the finest water based floor lacquers from Chimiver and Tover. All our water based floor lacquers are water based, fume free, non yellowing and suitable for all kinds of commercial and residential traffic. We use a handful of single pack and two pack water based floor lacquers. We can guarantee durable results, beautiful natural finishes and fair prices. 


  1. Chimiver Ecostar Polyurethane Floor Lacquer | This is one of the most popular single pack floor lacquers. It contains over 30% solid continent and it is suitable for intense residential traffic and light commercial. The product is polyurethane based, it does not yellow and it looks natural. It can be applied directly on the wood or it can be applied over solvent and water based floor primers. The amazing Chimiver Ecostar Polyurethane Floor Lacquer is available in matt, semi gloss and high gloss finishes. Highly appreciated by the DIY users and also the wood floor refinishing trade.

  2. Chimiver Ecostar 2k Polyurethane Floor Lacquer | A two pack water based floor lacquer suitable for heavy duty residential and commercial use. This amazing sealer contains over 32% solid content, it dries in no time, it looks spectacular and it provides years of uninterrupted protection. It can be successfully applied over wood stains, over wood primers or directly on the wood itself. A floor lacquer loved by the professional trade.

  3. Chimiver Ecotraffic 2k Floor Lacquer | The most high traffic and the most durable two pack water based floor lacquer from the Chimiver range. The amazing Chimiver Ecotraffic 2k Floor Lacquer is suitable for sealing very high traffic areas like kitchens, livingrooms, halls, sport rooms, GYMs, restaurants, schools, commercial units, shops. The product contains 35% solid content, the highest solid content ever. It can be applied over primed, stained and raw wood surfaces. It will not yellow and it does not scratch easily.

  4. Tover Idrolak DR 97 Floor Lacquer | One of the best two pack floor lacquers from the Tover range. This amazing water based floor lacquer combines all the advantages provided by a professional floor lacquer without the price tag. It is suitable for sealing all types of hardwood and semi solid wood floors, wood furniture, wood doors & wood panels, etc. Tover Idrolak DR 97 Floor Lacquer is highly appreciated by the professional floor refinishing trade.


It doesn’t matter what type of wood floor you have. It does not matter what type of finish you try to achieve. It does not matter what the actual condition of your hardwood floor is. Just call Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin and book a free no obligation site survey. We will assess your floors and we will explain to you in detail what can or can’t be done with your floors. Even if you are at the budgeting stage. There is no point budgeting if you do not know what can be done with your floors and what kind of price you should expect. Deal with the masters of floor sanding in Dublin


Dustless Floor Sanding Dublin

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